All of the craziness with none of the wait!

June 20, 2011

Getting Down with the Sickness

My TiVorgasm was short lived. Ended up in the ER Friday/Saturday at the ass crack of dawn with The Boy. The Girl had puked a few times Wednesday/Thursday but I thought it was from all the drool and snot (she's teething... and snotty). The Boy was fine. Totally fine. Until 8pm Friday night when he said his tummy hurt (his code for "I'm about to shit myself") and he took off for the bathroom. He stood in the doorway and puked up about a pound of chicken lo mein. Oddly enough, it doesn't change color when it hits your stomach. Just sayin'. He then proceeded to yack every 20-30 minutes for the next hour and a half. After talking with the on-call Doc, we decided to watch him sleep, since he'd passed out in the living room next to the puke bucket. He stayed asleep for about 2 hours when he woke up and retched again. I felt bad for the little guy, he throws up violently, like I do. :(

Anyway, around 1am, The Husband decides we shouldn't watch him anymore because it's not doing any good so I got dressed and took The Boy to the ER. 5 hours, an IV, 2 belly x-rays and a cute toy bunny later (courtesy of the ER Doc), we were sent home. Nothing was really wrong with him, so it was probably viral. Just wait it out. But at least he'd been re-hydrated. Got home at 6am and staggered to bed just to hear The Girl wake up 45 minutes later. She did that not quite awake thing where they cry for a second and then are silent for 10 minutes... so I ignored her. An hour later she started howling. So I kicked The Husband out of bed and made him get her. But of course I had to go help because she'd puked on HER HEAD and had pooped. On EVERYTHING! Sheets, crib bumper, clothes. You name it, there was poop on it. So she got a 5 minute bath and then I dumped her on The Husband, who was looking kind of green. I didn't care. I wanted sleep.

5 hours later The Boy and I got up to find a very ill Husband and cranky Girl. I spent the entire weekend trapped in the house while The Husband, The Boy and The Girl took turns blowing up the bathroom or puking on my floor. By Sunday (Happy Father's Day! Want some breakfast??? No?) The Boy and The Girl seemed better - they were playing and fighting, all good signs and The Husband spent the day asleep. I tried to do as little as possible but still managed to make a nice dinner and a cake. Tomorrow (today) I've got to get cracking and disinfect the house, clean as much as possible and start getting this house in order. After 3 days of gross, sick kids I want a clean house. I deserve it. And the next time all 3 of them get sick, I'm going to the Marriott. They're nice there... they have clean sheets and a pool. Adios, people.
Feliz Dia de los Padres. Especialmente a mi esposo, el mejor papa del mundo para mis hijos. Aprecio todo lo que haces para dar a nosotros una vida buena. Te amo y deseo que te mejores rapido. xoxo besos xoxo

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