All of the craziness with none of the wait!

June 29, 2011


The short people and I were watching a cartoon the other day on one of the new kiddie channels we got after we tossed out the satellite and got cable (bundle deal, saved us some cash). A commercial came on for a new Capt. America toy... basically it's big shield, but it shoots stuff at people. Awesome. Yeah, that's what The Boy thought. Now, he already has a Capt. America face mask AND shield... but his doesn't shoot stuff (thank God). So he sat there watching this commercial, literally NOT breathing.

When it was over he looked at me and said in one breath "Mommy!! I have to get that Captain America shield to use with my other Captain America shield because that one can shoot stuff and the other one can block stuff and then I can be the REAL Captain America." I just stared at him and said "Really?" and then he says "Yes. Let's go get one at Target." That's right, Target. My 4 year old already knows that if we really need something, you go to Target.

Oddly enough, we went there today (yes I was just there last week, don't judge, The Girl needed a refill on her meds) and I was seriously worried about what would happen when we got there. I don't ever. EVER. go near the toy section when we are there. We managed to get in and get out without any mention of any kind of superhero. Score! I even got them *both* down for a nap right now... so I'm off to read or watch a trashy soap or something while I can. Housework be damned today! Adios, people.

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